On 05th November 2004, Stephen McCutcheon set off on a journey of discovery on horseback. According to the Long Riders Guild, it was the first time in the world that anybody had officially ridden a horse from India to Pakistan, but this doesn’t even begin to describe the events of that journey.
Nov 2004
Steve didn’t just meet India, India met him. Wandering tribes, crazy festivals, mystics, Sadus, Snake charmer villages, a badly neglected high school, rural life and of riding a horse for the first time ever, all made this ride, right until the final uproar at the Pakistan border – and that was the easy leg. Read More »
Oct-Dec 2005
Pakistan was much tougher, the goals higher and the challenge greater. Stephen could write a book on this stage alone. A full three month onslaught of visiting schools, experiencing an Earthquake and somehow surviving a Himalayan crossing in the middle of Winter. A ride over the most stunning natural scenary in the world. It really brought Stephen down to Earth and left him with an incredible sense of achievement and longing to return to a country he lived in for over a year.
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July 2007-
After achieving what he thought impossible in Pakistan, Stephen is ready for China. This next stage will be no walk in the park. There are two deserts to cross, 5700kms to travel and all in a foreign faraway land where few speak English. But these are the challenges that make this journey so life changing and worthwhile. They may be difficult, but this is how life should really be lived. When you see the problems of others in such places, they really make your own seem meaningless. Read More »