Riding for Education (R4E) Logo

Raise £100,000 for education in India, Pakistan and China

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Sponsors & Partners

The list of sponsors and partners that have each contributed in unique and endless ways to the success of R4E. Please help support them. Each product used was chosen for its suitability to this journey and is considered the best available.

25th Frame Productions
25th Frame Productions Logo A professional film production company based in New Delhi, India. R4E is proud to be partnered with 25th Frame in producing a documentary on this one of a kind adventure. more...

ActionAid International
Assisted the publicity of the ride in India and helped arrange reputable school visits across Pakistan. The development organisation works across Asia to provide education to the poorest communities by working as a team. more...

British High Commission (Islamabad, Pakistan)
The personal support of both Mark & Shiela Lyall Grant helped open many doors in Pakistan. Not wanting to stop there Helen Ibbot at the BHC then sponsored two Masta Horse Blankets and even flew them in directly from the UK. more...

Costa Del Mar
Costa Del Mar logo Based in Florida, Costa specialise in making high performance sunglasses that concentrate on reducing glare and increasing vision through their patented WAVE technology. The company has provided R4E with several pairs of glasses to survive the greater Gobi desert for the next ten months. more...

UNESCO's Education for All logo Education for All (UNESCO)
Riding for Education (R4E) is an Education for All initiative which promotes free compulsory education for all children as a fundamental human right. No child deserves to be left behind. more...

Global Solar
Global Solar logo Global Solar has supported R4E with a hugely discounted light foldable solar panel. The GSE 25W Sunlinq uses cutting edge CIGS technology to power the rides electrical needs across the remotest of locations to come. more...

Ichi Translation and Productions
Ichi Translations and Productions logo From Graphic Design to Translations, Printing and Copyrighting, Ichi can do it all. This dedicated production and translation company in Hong Kong did a fantastic job designing R4E's advertising, including banners, leaflets and t-shirts for the journey across China. more...

Kashgar Mountaineering Adventures logo Kashgar Mountaineering Adventures
The original mountaineers of Kashgar are kindly providing the ride with logistical support across China, including permits, transport aid and equipment. more...

Lyon Equipment Ltd.
Lyon Equipment logoFrom making caving ladders in 1973, Lyon are now one of the biggest outdoor equipment distributors in the UK. The company has kindly supplied R4E with several Ortlieb document, maps and electronics cases. Ortleib's products are well known for their sealable, durable qualities. more...

Loco Engineering.
Loco Engineering logo R4E is proud to be trialing the new Solar UPS 3302 from Lcco Engineering. This 'smart' Universal Power Supply connects directly to a solar panel to regulate the power needed to run a 12V device via a cigaretter lighter socket. Essential for specialist electronics such as the ride's Sat phone and Camcorder battery charger which have no other connection. more...

MailASail LogoAre satellite systems slow? How about sending email over one? Whether on a yacht or the Silk Road, MailASail makes portable communications effective even over a satellite connection. Their all in one package exciting system cuts call costs up to 90% by compressing email and increasing performance 10X. With GPS tracking, blogging and weather reports included, MailASail will provide R4E with critical communications access over the next year.more...

McNett Corporation
McNett Corporation LogoMcNett Corporation has been the premiere producer of outdoor repair equipment for the past 20 years. Their products are tested and used in the most extreme environments and the corporation has supplied the ride with their awarding winning Seam Grip, Cotol-240 and Free sole ranges to survive all conditions to come. Thanks to Action-Quest in HongKong for arranging this. more...

Nexus Technologies.
Nexus LogoNexus are the biggest web hosting company in Pakistan and are providing the R4E website with extended hosting options. Their reliability and customer service are superb. more...

Nomad Travel Stores
Nomads LogoSupporting Expeditions across the globe, Nomad's Travel kits have been providing adventurers with medical protection and equipment for over 16 years. Nomads have helped the ride with many of the discounted medical items the journey will rely on for the next 9 months. more...

Nurtural Horse
Nurtural Horse LogoWhy change something that already works? Because nobody's been able to improve on it yet. No horse likes his bit, mine included and the Nurtural Horse bitless bridle offers a groundbreaking alternative that R4E will be test-driving over the next 6000kms. The bridle's design makes use of a patented 'Circle-X' piece that crosses the reins underneath the horse's chin, offering an exciting alternative that R4E is proud to have onboard. more...

Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV)
Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) logo Pakistan's premier television channel filmed R4E for the entire three month section of the journey through Pakistan. Stephen collaborated closely with Pakistan's largest channel to produce a high quality end product to benefit both parties. more...

Premier kufpec Pakistan B.V (PKP)
Premier Kufpec Pakistan B.V (PKP) logo Provided financial support to the Riding for Education campaign. PKP are an independent exploration and production joint venture between P.O. UK and Kuwait foreign petroleum exploration company (KUFPEC), a subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation. more...

Pakistan Tourism & Development Corporation (PTDC)
Pakistan Touristm and Development Corporation (PTDC) logo PTDC provided free accommodation and assistance at their motels in Besham and Gilgit, North Pakistan. PTDC run a high quality chain of motels across Pakistan commonly used by tourists. more...

Ranvet logoAustralia's leading veterinarians have kindly supplied a new antisceptic cream called White Healer. The cream can be used on both camels and horses and prevents festering skin wounds from sores to irritations. more...

Sea to Summit Ltd.
Sea To Summit Logo STS have kindly sponsored several award-winning dry bags and compression sacks. Now all the R4E gear and electronics will be sand free and dry. STS products are known worldwide for their durability and protection. more...

Tekkeon Inc.
Tekkeon LogoPower independance is imperitive to R4E and Tekkeon's myPower ALL is the only practical longterm solution on the market today. Amazingly lightweight, Tekkeon's sponsorship will keep R4E moving and most importantly, safe. more...

Thorlos Inc.
Thorlos Logo Thorlos have provided R4E with several pairs of Protection Level 3 Hiking Socks to keep feet in shape across some of the worst terrain on the planet. Thorlos specialised in nothing but socks with a worldwide reputation for quality. more...

Strengthening Participatory Organisation (SPO)
Strenghening Participatory Organization (SPO) logo SPO are a national development organisation supporting 1000's of grassroots communities across Pakistan since 1987. They were the first to understand the campaign in Pakistan and organised many of the schools visited there. more...

Transworld Trading Ltd.
Transworld Trading logo Specializes in custom made equine equipment including the cordura back-saddle bags used on this expedition. Extremely useful for keeping all the daily essentials just in reach and safe. more...

Vettec Ltd.
Vettec logo A leading American company specialising in custom made horse shoes for every situation. Vettec has supplied R4E with emergency shoes that only require 'moulding' onto the hoof in 2.5minutes. more...