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Recommended Links

If you'd like to suggest a link, please contact the webmaster here with reasons for inclusion in the below list. All non-related websites will be rejected outright.
Educational Links

UNESCO Education For All (efa)
The world's premier universal education institue set up by UNESCO as an 'international watchdog body, set up in 1990 to promote and monitor progress towards education for all. The aim is to universalize primary education and massively reduce illiteracy.' Supported by Riding for Education, beware, for this is an eye opener!

Travel Resources

The Thorn Tree
The epitamy of travel information lies locked in Lonely Planets Travel Forums. An archive of information so vast it is visited by hundreds of thousands of travellers around the globe. Any traveller will tell you there is no other source of travel information for any country.

Pakistan Forum
Got any questions on Pakistan, like should I go? Is it safe? Talk to the travellers who have been there and live there on this unique forum.

The Long Riders GuildHighly Recommended
The World's first and only collection of long distance horse adventurers. A grouping of People whose sole ambition is too relive the ancient connection between man and horse. Tales pour into the Guild from around the world of intrepid desert crossings or high altitude ascents - and all on horseback.

The Great Outdoors
A well managed resource covering the latest expeditions, explorers and outdoor news. All expedition coverage done in partnership with National Geographic. Well written and entertaining, there's also comprehensive gear review and photography sections.

Equine Links
A friend of mine who has lived in Pakistan for three years and knows more about the reality of the country than many who tred on her soil. This Lonely Planet recommended horse trekking agency takes tourists into the secret hollows of Pakistan's high Karakorum Mountains. North Pakistan is an unvisited wilderness and there can be no better way to see it than on horseback!
In the high altitude valleys on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border lives one man whose passion and perseverance bring home a way of life that's long been forgotten. There is no other adventure.
An organisation passionately working to save the Wild Bacterian camel from extinction in China and Mongolia. There are less wild camels in the world than there are Giant Pandas and their numbers are slipping fast. The Wild Camel Protection Foundation (WCPF) have been remarkable progress. Check out their site to see how.


Round the World by Bicycle
Al Humphreys 4 year, 46,000 miles ride across 5 continents for the 'Hope and Homes for children' charity. I can only say Certainly, check his website out and donate if you can.

Tales of Asia
An extremely popular website noting travellers tales from across the Asia. Although a little biased towards Cambodia, nonetheless very informative with plenty of travel accounts to reveal another side of this vast continent.

Tim Cope
Tim is following in the footsteps of Genghis Khan's legions as he travels by horseback from Mongolia to Europe. Nobody since the time of the Mongols has attempted this journey. So far Tim has been in the saddle for 30 months straight and there's no turning back!
The now infamous documents the journeys of Mike Pugh around the world with a laptop and a video camera. The photography and video is stunning, but it is his travel writing that caused his link to make this page.
Two mad chaps travelling by recumbant bicycles around the world persuading city Governments to sign a charter promoting the use of bicycles as sustainable transport.
Mark Moxon has been writing about his travels for sometime now and over the past three years I've become a huge fan of his stories. His website has an incredible archive of tales from every conceivable point on the Earth and for the armchair traveller or the itchy feet among us, few sites inspire more.

Ron Gluckman in Cyberspace
With an extended literacy history stretching back 15 years, few journalists posses Ron Gluckman's insight into China's rapid assession and the 'tiger' economies of Asia. Credits include articles for Newsweek, Time, Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post and Fortune.
An amusingly inspired, light hearted look at India from a traveller who has been there and brought back the t-shirt. Take India and break it apart into themed articles, travelogues, photos and a highly interesting India Factsheet and you're looking at Neoncarrot.

Riding home for School Kids
Megan Lewis is an extraordinary woman on a mission. In 2008 Megan began her ride on horseback from Beijing to London which she hopes to reach in time for the 2012 Olympics. This remarkable lady from Wales, hopes to raise money for the charity School Children for Children and to bring direct attention and aid to impoverished schools by visiting them on route. R4E wishes Megan the best of luck in her effort. If you'd like to donate to Megan's charity, you can do so here. To read here blog click here

If I were young I'd flee this town
The eccentric travelogue of Richard Fortune, muses its way through vodka, bureaucracy and the summountability of four personal goals across the expanses of Asia - and all at the tender age of 30! Richard's goals include visiting schools run by the organisation "Room to Read" throughout his travels, on a mission to make universal literacy a reality for all...

Personal Links

Impak is a young organisation commited to providing volunteers from overseas with a unforgettable experience in Pakistan. They were instrumental during Pakistan's recent Earthquake crisis and are now organising a Quake Summer Relief Program for Worldwide volunteers to live and help rehabilitate Northern Pakistan.
A website that finally realizes the full potential of the World Wide Web. A web service that allows the user to locate themselves and their friends on a live worldwide globe created through Google Maps. Users can make 'shoutouts' to each other and run a community. An absolutely awesome site.

Web hosting Links

Nexus Technologies
The biggest web hosting company in Pakistan hosts this website. Nexus have recently sponsored an upgrade to the account so that r4e can easily expand into the future. Good customer service, no downtime so far. In a word 'excellent.'

Teachers Resources

Teachers Files
Teachers has a huge collection of free webdesign, clipart and icon groups for education related websites. Not only is there collection one of the most comprehensive on the web, it's also free. This site benefited hugely from their work and anyone interested should definitely check it out.

Graphic Design

Photo Fixes
Photo fixes turns the dull into the daring and the lifeless into the life of the party! This homely graphics studio run from Bolton, England offers tight packages aimed to suit any budget and project whether commerical or local. Visit for a quote today.