What is Education for All and why is it important? What does it aim to achieve and is it achieveable. Almost a billion people are uneducated around the world. The challenge is steep, and yet millions are racing to achieve it.
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At the turn of the millennium, 189 governments from across the globe signed the Millennium Declaration. Eight Goals were agreed to achieve its objectives by 2015 and begin a new era of peace and equality.
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A startling look at the grim reality of education throughout the developing world with particular emphasis on India, Pakistan and China.
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An education for every human being on planet Earth? With only seven years until the 2015 EFA deadline, we take a brief look at the state of education worldwide and the biggest challenges to progress.
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India's desire to become a world superpower can only be realised by unlocking the potential of her people. Every second illiterate person in the world lives in South Asia and every third one of them lives in India.
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The value of an education is slowly being realised in Pakistan but the road ahead remains long indeed. Half the population age 10 and above has never attended school, and the challenge to girls may never get a chance.
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Blistering development has created a huge imbalance of literacy and poverty across China. Whilst 95 percent of Beijing is literate, almost half the population of Tibet never picked up a book.
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We often hear about Poverty, but do we really understand it? What is a national Poverty line? Can we really generalize world poverty under the international moniker of US$1 per day? This article takes another look.
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We always read about the bad things in life. The newspapers are full of such stories. And yet, it’s the inspirations in life that really motivate us to make a difference in our own lives and especially in the lives of others.
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An ever expanding collection of education resources and websites, for anyone interested in learning more about global education and the fast changing economies of India, Pakistan and China.
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Photo Credits from top: © Faseeh Shams, © Anandam (Flickr), © Faseeh Shams, © UNESCO/Michel Ravassard, © ActionAid, © Faseeh Shams, © Omnixu - CHINA OUT REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA), © Faseeh Shams, © Faseeh Shams, © Stephen McCutcheon